Hi! It’s been a while since my last writing and I really have no idea why I end up come to this idea which is having a blog. I did twice before and it failed. I’m not confident enough in myself to write, even blabbering about nonsense stuff. Many people just do that, especially teens, they just write what they want, what they feel, and they even dare to write something personnel that should not to be laid out. They just write freely without think properly about what they write probably it could be harm to them and this is not alright because they would be the victim of cyber crime.
My decision to write again because I think I need to. I have much time to spend all by myself without doing anything. Also I’ve so much thoughts in my mind to be share with global people and since I don’t have much friend right now I wish to seek them in this blogger world that I could be social with.
I’m jealous to death when bloggers meet up and gather together like reunion party and I think they must be very awesome personalities because for me I can’t communicate well with people that I don’t know. Lame me! Not because I’m such an anti-social but that just me. I’m a shy guy and it hurt me a lot. I just stay at home and rarely going out.
My writing may look not young and attractive like everyone at my age but I just follow what my heart says and this is how it turns to be and I feel happy that I can kill my time with this stuff by giving thoughts and such.