Friday, April 27, 2012


Assalamualaikum! I love photos and today I'm quite excited revealing it and I'm going to share my activity I did lately with my peeps. My friends and I went to orphanage house at Klang to do some "gotong-royong" which is cleaning up the place. It was great experience because I never go to any orphanage house before and speaking the truth the purpose is to complete one of our assignment project so we need to do this to have good marks.

My artwork for breakfast. I love cute things!

The students busy tidying up the yard.

Zul looking hell tired! Damn! Even just little work.

Fine! This ain't normal. Picking up the grass? Nobody does it I guess. But sure we did.

Happy pooping! LOL

Manicuring time!

The kids getting ready for presents.

His group won and I'm happy for him.

Our team for this subject and the photo does look awkward. I don't know what was wrong.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New friends, new challenges, new experiences

Hi! These new friends making my life more enjoy and full of colors. I got to know them because of my current studies. We’re in the same faculty so it’s easy for us to discuss about study even we’re not in the same course. But the beauty of the same faculty is mostly our early semesters we have the same subjects so we can discuss it together.

Speaking about the picture above, we hung out together after the tiring a whole day classes. We were singing at karaoke box and had meals at McDonalds. Even though we’re not doing many activities that day but we had lots of fun. We were happy. Living a life as a student sure the best thing happen in my life because that’s where I can find friends, share idea and interest, and seek of happiness that rarely can get at the workplace due to different ages, mentality and position.

I hope the friendship will last forever because I adore the friendship so much.

Much love from me guys.