There are many things that change a lot since my last visit and actually I just remember nothing about my past visit since I was a kid back then. Even we not going to many places but I had so much fun by snapping and chatting but got little sad about the food cause we just having something normal for lunch because what I’m thinking is travelling is about to try something unique and the special of the tradition about that place and also it’s quite late to call it lunch but big thanks to Rai because she paid for the meals. It’s quite embarrassed to let the girl pay for the food but hey it’s not a date and I think I’m a guest and she’s the host so it’s ok for me to think of that way. But it does sound I’m such stingy! Bad guy.

Hi! It's me!!!! This is my first time revealing my own photo in this blog. I'm quite excited about this 'cause there has been a long time since my last camwhoring. Bitch! Lol.
This is Eyda, we're from same hometown and school but we gotta know each other after we reached ipt. But hey relationship comes when the time is right and here we are but i don't mean we're in any serious relationship. I never think about that yet.

And the disappointed feeling comes when we got to know that the museum already closed and we just snapping at the outside only. What a waste! We came late.
That's the ship museum that we can't enter at that moment. Peace! V
Wow! The ship sure big! No wonder they keep that as a museum.
The episode of Taming Sari Tower! We got really excited riding this. We gotta see Malacca City at the top of the tower. Amazing experience!
The three tickets of us! Freaking EXCITED!
Me looking awkward at camera. Damn it!
On top of the tower! Malacca Strait
The beginning section of the three of us. That's Rai! A very nice lady.
Camwhoring time and I messing up the photo.
The V sign. For the love of peace from us to Malacca. Peace guys!
On the top again and the lenses just caught our damn excited face and it's like wtf! It does look hilarious lol.

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