I know it's quite late to post this entry because as today 1 Muharram has reached, but it's still alright as long as we didn't neglect our responsibility as Muslim and we put an effort to perform ibadah because of Allah. As start-up, I'd like to have a simple explanation on Maal Hijrah. The meaning of Maal Hijrah in English is migration. On this day, Muslims remember Prophet Muhamad S.A.W migrates from Mecca to Madinah on the year of 622 A.D. On the other hand, in regular New Year on 1st January every year, everyone has aim and goal to achieve in life, it's also applied in Islam but uniquely about Maal Hijrah is we believe to change from bad to good and a starting point to evaluate inner-self in self achievement.
Amalan sunat pada hari terakhir Zulhijjah dan hari pertama Muharram:
1. Berpuasa pada hari terakhir Zulhijjah.
2. Berpuasa pada hari pertama Muharram.
3. Membaca doa akhir tahun sebelum waktu Maghrib.
4. Membaca doa awal tahun selepas solat Maghrin atau pada malamnya.
5. Qiamullail.
- Solat sunat : Solat tahajjud, Solat hajat, solat taubat
- Membaca Al-Quran
- Berzikir
6. Membaca gabungan 'Bismillahirrahmaanirrahim' dan 'Ayat Kursi' sebanyak 30 kali.
- Selepas solat Fardhu Subuh 1 Muharram
- Selepas solat Fardhu Subuh 1 Muharram
7. Membaca doa Awal Muharram sebanyak 3 kali.
- Baca sebanyak 3 kali setiap hari selama 10 hari pertama bulan Ramadhan
# Credit to shafiqolbu and enciknakal
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